M is for Manual

We have spent ages going through all our old images recently, in preparation for our new web site and have realized how instructive it is to see what was grown where and when, year on year.


A snap from our front garden in 2008


It’s also a comfort in the midst of winter to see that things will grow again in your patch, despite all the cold, wet and wind. This is what we were looking at in February….




So, we  have started to take the entire photography thing a bit more seriously, with a new camera, ‘Lightroom’ and even a diffuser (that requires physical sudoku to get it back in the bag). Rachel has now got the hang of the whole aperture/shutter speed/depth of field process, thanks to an online course, Eyes Open by Erin Wallace. (thanks Erin, we’ve been arguing about that one for years…) I was lucky enough to learn about taking pictures from a neighbour when I was a teenager and developed prints on a suitcase enlarger in our shed.


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Back in 2008, we were lucky to have Suzie Gibbons come along to take pictures for an article when everything was just starting to really get going. She is an experienced horticultural photographer and took many really great images that we have used ever since.


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Another stand out local photographer we have worked with is Shannon Robinson of SLR photography. As well getting inspired in our cutting patch, she did the amazing Rapunzel photo shoot last year.







And at the moment, we are also fortunate to be collobarating with Clare West, who came and did a course with us last year. She is going to come and take pictures every month this season – what a treat. She might even manage to get a few of me….






Ashley Pearson

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