Lathyrus odoratus (Early flowering Sunshine Series) Burgundy


Lathyrus odoratus – Early flowering Sweet pea

These are multiflora types of Sweet Pea which will flower on shorter day lengths and therefore can be sown earlier and grown on in an unheated polytunnel or greenhouse to protect them from the worst of the winter weather. From an Autumn sowing you will be rewarded with an abundance of long stems to pick from April right through till July. The blooms flourish at a cooler time of the year which I find is advantageous with our warming climate. They produce an abundant crop of long stems and are not as affected by high temperatures as outdoor varieties so their flowering period is longer and it takes some serious heat to make the stems go short. They still have good scent and will make your greenhouse or tunnel on a warm day an intoxicating place to be.

Plant type: hardy annual

Height: 1.8m to 2.5m

Spacing: 20cm

Sown to Grown: 24 weeks

Min. seeds per packet: 20 seeds


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